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双语:感恩节特色美味 火鸡大餐的制作方法
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  ingredients 所需材料

  * 1 (18 pound) whole turkey, neck and giblets removed.一整只火鸡(18磅,约等于8公斤),去掉脖子和内脏。

  * 2 cups of kosher salt 两杯粗盐(1杯大概是180毫升)

  * 1/2 cup butter, melted 半杯融化掉的黄油

  * 2 large onions, peeled and chopped 两个大洋葱、剥皮、切碎

  * 4 carrots, peeled and chopped 四个胡萝卜,剥皮、切碎

  * 4 stalks celery, chopped 四根芹菜,切段

  * 2 sprigs fresh thyme 两把新鲜的百里香

  * 1 bay leaf 1片月桂叶

  * 1 cup dry white wine 一杯干白

  directions 步骤

  1. rub the turkey inside and out with the kosher salt. place the bird in a large stock pot, and cover with cold water. place in the refrigerator, and allow the turkey to soak in the salt and water mixture 12 hours, or overnight.



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