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致一位年轻诗人的信letters to a young poet(8)
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he "great thing" that you think you have achieved, although you are right about your feeling; the great thing is that there was already something there which you could replace that deception with, something true and real. without this even your victory would have been just a moral reaction of no great significance; but in fact it has be come a part of your life. your life, dear mr. kappus, which i think of with so many good wishes. do you remember how that life yearned out of childhood toward the "great thing"? i see that it is now yearning forth beyond the great thing toward the greater one. that is why it does not cease to be difficult, but that is also why it will not cease to grow.

  and if there is one more thing that i must say to you, it is this: don't think that the person who is trying to comfort you now lives untroubled among the simple and quiet words that sometimes give you pleasure. his life has much trouble and sadness, and remains far b

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