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  181. they also blame them for the sharp rise in urban crime rate.他们还把城市犯罪率的急剧上升归罪于农民工。

  182. most of the government officials are honest and hardworking, but cases of dishonesty and corruption in government are frequently reported in recent years.大多数政府官员是诚实敬业的。但近年来官员渎职,腐败案件时有发生。

  183. seek ease and comfort贪图安逸享乐

        184. neglect one’s duty玩忽职守 

  185. they abuse the power entrusted to them by the people.他们滥用人民赋予的权利。

  186. government at all levels各级政府

  187. launch a nationwide campaign against all forms of corruption在全国范围内开展反腐败斗争。

  188. serve the people whole-heartedly全心全意为人民服务。

  189. expose and denounce the offenders 曝光和揭发违法犯罪者

  190. supervisory authorities监督部门

  191. a guarantee to strengthen the economic construction促进经济建设的保证

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