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eighbors 狗和猫的叫声会影响邻里。

  220. as the saying goes, women can hold up half the sky.俗话说得好,妇女能顶半边天。

  221. they compete with men in many fields and contribute significantly to society.她们在许多领域与男子一起开展工作,为社会做出了重要贡献。

  222. they are no longer tied to the household chores and the job of bringing up their children.她们的工作不再仅限于家务琐事和养儿育女。

  223. although women’s status has changed considerately, their complete liberation if far from being realized.尽管妇女的地位有了很大程度的提高,但她们的彻底解放依然任重道远。

  224. their work is often undervalued and underpaid.她们的工作通常不被重视,薪酬较低。

  225. the elimination of such injustice requires the concern and efforts of the whole society.要消除这种不平等还需要全社会的关注与努力。

         226. face the danger of extinction (生物等)面临灭绝的危险

  227. (be) confronted with 面临(危险,困难等),面对

  228. they are an indispensable part of eco

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