十年树木,百年树人[注: 树:种植,栽培。比喻培养人才是长期而艰巨的事。]。人文荟萃、名家云集、锐意改革的氛围使得附中教育根深叶茂[注: 茂:繁茂。根扎得深,叶子就茂盛。比喻基础牢固,就会兴旺发展。],人才辈出[注: 辈出:一批一批地出现。形容有才能的人不断涌现。]。校友中既有顾作霖(瑞金时期中共中央政治局委员)、杨超(中共中央特派员)等革命先烈,也有严济慈、汪道涵、彭珮云、巴金、李国鼎等享誉世界的学者、科学家和政治家;不仅有人数位于全国普通高中前列的35名两院院士(如获得国家首届科技进步奖的"杂交水稻之父"袁隆平、中国第一位电子学女博士韦钰等),也有著名歌唱家朱逢博、优秀足球评论员黄健翔、将被外国医生宣判脑死亡的台湾著名主持人刘海若从死神手中夺回的著名医生凌峰,当然更多的是数以万计默默无闻[注: 无声无息,没人知道。指没有什么名声。]在各自岗位上为人类、为祖国作贡献的校友。历年来,附中学生不仅以高的升学率引人注目[注: 注目:注视。吸引人们注意。],更是以高层次、高质量的素质赢得社会的赞誉。
nanjing normal university high school
the high school centennial
the nanjing normal university high school is now celebrating its first centennial. initially zhang zhidong obtained royal permission to found a middle school which was attached to the san jiang normal school. during these hundred years, the school changed its name ten times and changed its location six times which reflects the evolution and dedication to china determination to renew its education system.
on october 1, 2002 the general philatelic company of china will issue a commemorative stamp folder to mark the school's centennial.the schools graduates have demonstrated their importance as innovators in creating new knowledge and creating new cadres of teachers for each generation.graduates have played a significant role in the nation's
history and development during these 100 years. their recognized achievements have enabled the school to be established as a base for future contributions and for developing new records of achievement.this school nurtures the growth of civil virtues and the expanding knowledge of students and teachers in the many fields of human endeavor. we are confident that the school, in its second century, more than ever, will be a place of vigor,energy and growth.or
(an alternative version could be) nanjing normal university high school 100th niversary nanjing normal university high school was initially the middle school of san jiang normal school. it was founded by zhang zhidong with royal permission and has reached its one hundredth year. during these 100 years, the school has
changed its name ten times and its location six times. these changes reflect the progress and development of china's fundamental educational system. on october 1, 2002, the general philatelic company of china will publish a commemorative stamp folder to mark the special occasion of the school's centennial.the school's graduates have proven themselves to be
the nation's backbone, and the school's teachers will forever be cultivators of knowledge.the nanjing normal university high school's hundred year history has witnessed the extensive role that the school's
graduates have played in our nation's development. the past achievements of the school reflect its ongoing contributions toward the nation's flourishing future. the school continues to be a leader in education today. we sincerely wish the nanjing normal university high school to endow its students with ethical virtues and to prepare its students with quality, well rounded knowledge. we are sure that the vigor and excellence of this school will carry on into the future.