i am always with you. sometimes behind you, sometimes before [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:i am always with you. sometimes behin……
what table is in the field? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what table is in the field?答案在下一面&nbs……
what table can tell you what to do? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what tablecan tell you what to do?答案在……
what changes a pear into a pearl? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what changes a pear into a pearl?答案在下……
what letter makes a road broad? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what letter makes a road broad?答案在下一面……
i have cities but no houses, forests but no trees, rivers wi [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:i have cities but no houses, forests ……
what is dark but made by light? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what is dark but made by light?答案在下一面……
what a room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floor [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what a room has no walls, no doors, n……
what large instrument do you carry in your ears? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语:what large instrument do you carry in……
“kiss”是动词,形容词还是名词 [2011-10-22]
“kiss”是动词,形容词还是名词点在第二页 ……
what has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes, tells but no [2011-10-22]
what has hands but no feet, a face but no ……
what is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? [2011-10-22]
what is black when it is clean and white w……
what is easy to get into but hard to get out of? [2011-10-22]
what is easy to get into but hard to get o……
what is easy to get into but hard to get out of ? [2011-10-22]
what is easy toget into but hard toget out……
what room has no walls, no doors, no windows, and no floors? [2011-10-22]
what room has no walls, no doors, no windo……
what is smaller than an insects mouth? [2011-10-22]
what is smaller than an insects mouth?猜谜语答……
whats too much for one, just right for two, but nothing at [2011-10-22]
whats too much for one, just right for two……
what person tried to make you smile most of the time? [2011-10-22]
what person tried to make you smile ……
what question can you never answer yes" to" [2011-10-22]
what question can you never answer yes&quo……
name five days of the week without saying:monday,tuesday,wed [2011-10-22]
name five days of the week without saying:……