what has cities with no houses, rivers without water and for… [2011-10-25]
whathascitieswithnohouses,riverswithoutwaterandforestswithouttrees? &nb……
what is the surest way to double your money? [2011-10-25]
whatisthesurestwaytodoubleyourmoney? foldit.……
where can you always find money? [2011-10-25]
wherecanyoualwaysfindmoney? inthedictionary……
what is the most difficult key to turn? [2011-10-25]
whatisthemostdifficultkeytoturn? ad……
what ship has two mates but no captain? [2011-10-25]
whatshiphastwomatesbutnocaptain? courtship……
what is there in your house that ought to be looked into? [2011-10-25]
whatisthereinyourhousethatoughttobelookedinto? mirror……
what is an astronomer? [2011-10-25]
whatisanastronomer?(天文学家)? anightwatchmanwithacollegeeducat……
what comes after the letter a? [2011-10-25]
whatcomesafterthelettera? alltheotherletters. ……
what is higher ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what is higher ,英语谜语 谜题是:what is higher wi……
what is dark ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what is dark ,英语谜语 谜题是:what is dark but ma……
what a room has no walls,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what a room has no walls,英语谜语 谜题是:what a r……
what large,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what large,英语谜语 谜题是:what large instrument ……
what person tried ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what person tried ,英语谜语 谜题是:what person tr……
what has hands but no feet,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what has hands but no feet,英语谜语 谜题是:what h……
what is black ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what is black ,英语谜语 谜题是:what is black when……
what has a soft bed ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what has a soft bed ,英语谜语 谜题是:what has a s……
why is an empty purse always the same? [2011-10-22]
英语谜语题目:why is an empty purse always the sa……
who may marry many ,英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
who may marry many a wife and stay s……
what has hands but no feet? [2011-10-22]
what has hands but no feet, a face but no ……
what is smaller ?英语谜语 [2011-10-22]
what is smaller than an insect’s mou……